
The transformative power of collaborative partnerships driving financial inclusion forward.

As the Head of Financial Inclusion at DDFinance, I am thrilled to delve into the potential of partnerships between InsureTech, Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), and NGOs to drive financial inclusion. 🌍💡 đź”— Leveraging InsureTech đź”— Using advanced InsureTech solutions, we are making affordable micro-insurance accessible to low-income families, streamlining processes, and…
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Meet Mercy, a Financially Empowered Group Member

It can happen to anyone. Unexpected events like hospitalization or death can strike any family, leaving them in financial distress, not knowing where to start raising funds to cover the bills, especially with no income generated from the daily revenue activities of the breadwinner. Fortunately, Mercy, a member of a…
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Unleashing Our ‘Plug and Play’ InsureTech Platform

DDFinance has built a friendly-to-use digital solution, ‘Insurance Platform as a Service’, also known as IPaaS, to deliver affordable micro-insurance to families in Kenya. Revolutionizing protection, we’re making insurance effortless and accessible for all. Introducing our Insurance Platform as a Service (IPaaS) – a transformative solution tailored for Insurance companies,…
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Launching with Kipkelion District Cooperative Union

This month we are launching our partnership with Kipkelion District Cooperative Union. And we kick started the operations last week with an intensive five-day training and information trip. DDFinance was organising the event along with our underwriter Old Mutual Kenya. General Manager of Life Distribution at Old Mutual Kenya, Evans…
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Your WhatsApp group will never ask for money again Have you ever been asked to contribute money in a chat group? Many people do not have the economy to handle unexpected expenses such as injury, sickness, or death in the family. So, when the unexcepted happens they lean on their social network. On many occasions, this means reaching…
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Working with

DDFinance works with, a Danish FinTech. We even share an office with some of their staff. We had a quick chat with Bridgit from, check it out!   Who are you and what role do you have for -My name is Bridgit Nyagah and I’m the Training and…
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Call Center

Did you know that we have a call center? We have a lovely hardworking team based in Nairobi that can answer all your questions about DDFinance, claims and other questions. The call center is open Monday-Friday 08-18. (8am to 6pm). You can call them on +254784815815.
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Hope to the community

DDFinance Kenya asked their customers how they find the Collective-Based Insurance (CBI) products. One Saving Group leader in Embu answered this: You are giving Hope to the community. We never knew Insurance would come to people like us, and we trust it because you paid out one of the clients who…
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