An amazing consultant

There is a lot happening at DDFinance nowadays. We now have 15 employees, and for a couple of weeks we also had the pleasure of borrowing a wonderful consultant for our team. 

Samantha Roblin has worked for us over the past three weeks, and it was a pleasure! Roblin is originally from Canada, but she has spent the last 5+ years in Kenya. During those years, she has been working with companies across both East and West Africa. In areas which serve low-income populations, and helped ventures to reach (logistically), communicate to, and influence a behaviour change in a segment of the populations that few people truly understand. 

Roblin is taking an MBA at Oxford University. On the question “Why did you choose DDFinance”, she answers “I absolutely love the idea of lowering costs by leveraging social capital”. She also mentions that saving groups are an incredibly important part of the Kenyan culture, and to use Trust and Reputation as an incentive for consistent behaviour is a really exciting concept to be a part of.

Working with DDFinance, the low cost of the insurance product, and the high calibre of the team surprised and impressed her. Roblin thinks those factors mixed together is a perfect recipe for bringing DDFinance to millions of people who are at most risk. 

Now that the consultant period is over, we want to thank Samantha for all the skilled work she did for us in just three weeks! 



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